Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Suvarnabhumi Airport - Thailand (Part 2)

Ok .. Now to address another important issue - The Security

I saw quiet a few uniformed officers, who looked like 100 meters sprinters and then I saw another officer who looked like the perfect guy to play the role of Rambo.
(This is quiet reassuring .. You get the sense that these guys are prepared for any type action)
This sight is quiet inspiring, when you compare them to the unfit nitwit security we have back in India, where we have the so called security waving their guns around, giving everybody suspicious looks and trying to act intelligent..
(I just pray that these guys do not ever have to get into action, for the fear of the sheer mess they would make out of things .. )

As I take a walk around the Airport, There are many limousine services to take people around town. I ask them the cost of taking me to Pathumthani (40 Kms from Bangkok) 1000 Bahts...
The tariffs within Bangkok are around 600 Bahts for 6 hrs rent and then it increased even further at more time taken ...

As I sit back to pass the time, I am approached by this total stranger, who identifies himself as an Airport official and enquires if I would need any assistance or anything.. Damn nice of him ..

On further exploration I see that there are counters for mobile services - I pick up true move . They explain everything briefly and provide a pamphlet with all information.
FYI - If you ever want to call an international No. you would have to Dial 006 followed by the code.

With Regard to the Restaurants - I saw the coffee shop which is the most, recognisable Brand in the world - Starbucks !!! ( Man, it is expensive here as well)

There were so many restaurants in the Airport equipped to meet any budget. Yup, there is a small place in the center of the Food court where you could buy fried chicken for 20 Bahts.

There were 2-3 Japanese Restaurants which had the sushi Burger (180 Bahts) .. I should make it a point to eat something from there the next time ...

Then, the first blast of Thai Culture Hit me.
I am walking towards the exit with my luggage when I saw the a particular part of the Airport allocated for Taxi Drivers. there were a few men and Women. Yes !!!!! I mean Women Taxi Drivers... Unbelievable. The first time ever where I ever saw proper equality between Men and Women being practiced. (Unlike India and Dubai as well , where they try to portray this feature, but it is never really implemented.)

And the best part about these Taxi Drivers are that they all wear blazers and are well groomed. They do not try and haggle you.

If you tell them a "No" once, they will not ask again.
(This is a big relief when compared to the taxi guys back home.. You got to literally pay these guys to stop pestering you .. )

There was a police Station in the Airport where I saw equal no. of men and women working side by side with each other. This aspect about the Thai Culture had me really thinking about the level of maturity that is shared within the people.

And as you leave the Airport there are free Maps of Thailand available for all ...

1 comment:

Gankhu Sumnyan (James/Jamie) said...

hey matz... real nice blogs..keep it going, and enjoy your time there...